Tuesday, June 26, 2012

TOO Cute Tuesday: Linky Par-Tay! #100

I can't believe we are having our 100th TOO Cute Tuesday!!!!
I'm so excited and I'm thankful to all of you that link
up to the par-tay! each week.
This past week I made these ruffled totes
as part of the end of year gifts for the kinder
teacher and her instructional aides.
We love those ladies!!!!

Help me make this the biggest TOO Cute Tuesday yet
and invite one fabulous friend to join in sharing 
something creative they've made.

Now onto TOO Cute Tuesday!

What did you make this week that is TOO Cute??
Come link up!

  • Must be made by you.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • No Etsy shops or giveaways please :)
  • Please post the button or link back here so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!
TOO Cute Tuesday will be open Tuesday-Saturday.
On Saturday or Monday I'll highlight some of my favorites
and then we'll start over on Tuesday!

This post brought to you by:
Lady Cupcake's Corner

I changed the linky party so that the most recently uploaded project will show up as number one. This way everyone gets a chance on top. So, look in the first spot for your project, not at the end. Thanks!!!

This linky list is now closed.


Unknown said...

I'm your first link up on your 100th party, that's got to be some kind of good luck, right?! Thanks for hosting every week! Your ruffled totes are too cute!

Mary Beth said...

Thanks for hosting, Kyla ~ have an awesome week! hugs, mb

Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles said...

Thank you so much for the fun party!! Have a great week!

Liz said...

Congrats on the milestone! Something to aspire too!


Karyn said...

Cute bags!
thanks so much for hosting! 100 parties is Super Exciting! Have a great week!

Unknown said...

A big THANK YOU for hosting!

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Thanks for hosting!

I Gotta Try That said...

Thanks so much for hosting. I am now following you on GFC. I would love for you to visit, follow back and maybe even link up on my Monday linky party.
Marcie @

Michelle Day said...

Thanks for hosting! Have a great week :)

Christine said...

Thanks so much for hosting! Have a GREAT day!! :)


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